2 Responses to VIDEO: What are the costs of psychiatric drug treatment to the UK economy?

  1. Barry Haslam 16/05/2014 at 4:45 pm #

    Thank you James.
    There are many hidden costs of psychiatric drug treatment and unrecorded. Loss of revenue by PAYE and NIC, increased take up of benefits by patients too ill to work because of side effects of the drugs, loss of future pension rights, breakdown of marriages and social division, children traumatised by divorce and diagnosed as ADHD as a consequence. Hospital investigations caused by the drugs which mainly come back negative but they give pseudo symptoms, so are investigated at additional cost to the NHS, at a time of austerity and cut backs by government.
    Hospital admissions of patients due to poisoning by these drugs and not to mention permanent bodily and brain damage these drugs cause and deaths.
    The true costs have to be £billions a year to the UK economy and the present situation is a national disgrace and needs urgent government action.


    Barry Haslam,
    Chair, Oldham Tranx.

  2. William Slater 16/05/2014 at 5:09 pm #

    I know I am fed up with being on Clozapine!

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