CEP is pleased to announce that its upcoming conference More Harm than Good: Confronting the Psychiatric Medication Epidemic will be ‘live streamed’ via YouTube on 18 September. This means that anyone with an Internet connection can watch the conference for free in real time. In addition, each of the talks will be filmed and posted onto the CEP website for later viewing.
There are two streams to view. The first starts at 9am BST (GMT+1) and will record the morning session. The address is:
The second starts at 2pm BST (GMT+1) and will record the afternoon session. The address is:
Thank you for the live stream. Much more convenient for the U.S. People!
All success on the day and thank you to everyone at CEPUK.
Barry Haslam. Benzo survivor and campaigner.
I’m trying to get off of my antipsychotics. I have schizophrenia, but the drugs make my symptoms 10x worse. My doctor refuses to believe my stories of drug side effects and also refuses to offer any other treatment besides drug therapy. It doesn’t work, though. I have tried 9 different variations of antipsychotic drugs and they have all caused me pain & suffering.
While before being treated by drugs I felt I was employable, but it would take time to recover from the hallucinatory effects of my disorder, but not I feel that getting back into working condition feels virtually impossible after damaging my mind & body with nearly 1.5 years of psychiatrict abuse.
I hope this conference offers enough evidence to prevent this from happening to others. I will be changing psychiatrists too.
Success to everyone from campaigner – Plymouth. Dudley Cotton!!!
Good luck tomorrow! We will be all of you in solidarity and spirit!
Good Irish luck tomorrow! We will be with all of you in solidarity and spirit!
Shine On, Revealers Of Truth & Justice!!!