The following letter was sent, by email, at 2.26pm today: To: Professor Wendy Burn, President – Royal College of Psychiatrists; Professor David Baldwin, Chair, Psychopharmacology Committee – Royal College of Psychiatrists. February 28, 2018 Dear Professors Burn and Baldwin On 24.2.2018 The Times published a letter signed by you, in your capacities as President, and […]
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Peter Gøtzsche: Cipriani review does not add anything
This huge systematic review (Cipriani et al 2018) does not add anything to the knowledge we already had about depression pills. Briefly, the effects as estimated on the Hamilton scale are very similar to those reported in a another huge meta-analysis in early 2017 (Jakobsen JC, Katakam KK, Schou A, et al. Selective serotonin reuptake […]
Do antidepressants work? The new research proves nothing new
The Council for Evidence-based Psychiatry 22 February 2018 For immediate release: Cipriani’s et al’s new research on whether antidepressants work has generated much excitement in the news media as well as the psychiatric community. The study has been represented by the Royal College of Psychiatrists as “finally putting to bed the controversy on anti-depressants“. This statement […]

APPG for Prescribed Drug Dependence welcomes announcement of a review into prescribed drug dependence and withdrawal
The All Party Parliamentary Group for Prescribed Drug Dependence (for whom CEP provides the secretariat) welcomes Public Health England’s announcement today of an evidence review into prescribed drugs that may cause dependence and withdrawal. Prescribed drug dependence is a growing problem, with increasing numbers of prescriptions for addictive, psychoactive drugs being given to adults and […]

APPG for Prescribed Drug Dependence calls on Camden CCG to reverse decision to close support service for patients dependent on benzodiazepines
The REST Project, based at MIND in Camden, has been providing essential support services to patients suffering from dependence and withdrawal from benzodiazepines for 30 years. During this time it has helped thousands of clients safely withdraw from long term use of sedatives, tranquilisers and sleeping pills, through specialised group meetings and personalised support. […]
2017 Prescribed Drug Withdrawal Survey: Initial Findings
We would like to thank all those people who took the time to complete our recent survey on prescribed drug dependence and withdrawal. The information you provided is vital in moving the case forward for specialist services for those adversely affected by prescribed drug dependence. The responses we received were as moving and informative as they […]

World Benzodiazepine Awareness Day is on 11th July
On 11th July 2017 World Benzodiazepine Awareness Day (W-BAD) celebrates its second year and the launch of its official website which can be found at W-BAD is a grassroots victim-organized and led campaign that seeks to raise global awareness about the harms and dangers of prescribed benzodiazepines. Some objectives of the awareness campaign include: preventing […]

Daily Mail: the NHS must help blameless victims of prescribed drug dependence
As part of their support for the campaign for a national helpline, the Daily Mail yesterday published a two page spread in the Good Health section which included the story of Pamela Wilson, a former law courts executive officer, who became dependent on painkillers for 27 years. Dr Max Pemberton, a regular columnist, also describes how he has […]
Petition calling on the Scottish Parliament to support individuals affected by prescribed drug dependence
A petition has been set up calling on the Scottish Parliament to urge the Scottish Government to take action to appropriately recognise and effectively support individuals affected and harmed by prescribed drug dependence and withdrawal. The petition can be accessed here:

The Guardian: How long should you stay on antidepressants?
CEP members Dr James Davies and Prof Peter Gøtzsche both feature in an article in The Guardian which considers how long patients should stay on antidepressants, and whether they are addictive. The paper quotes Dr Davies: “Dependence can be physical or psychological. People may feel they are only better because they take the drug.” It also […]