The Times newspaper has published an article covering the launch of the Council for Evidence-based Psychiatry with the headline: ‘Antidepressants do more harm than good, research says’.

The Times newspaper has published an article covering the launch of the Council for Evidence-based Psychiatry with the headline: ‘Antidepressants do more harm than good, research says’.
To coincide with the launch of the Council for Evidence-based Psychiatry at the House of Lords, Professor Peter Gøtzsche has written an opinion piece which is published today in The Guardian.
London, UK – The Council for Evidence-based Psychiatry (CEP) launches today with an event at the House of Lords where it will release a publication entitled Unrecognised Facts about Modern Psychiatric Practice which challenges many of the assumptions commonly made about modern psychiatry. CEP intends to start a national debate about the use of psychiatric […]
Dr. James Davies is interviewed about rising antidepressant prescriptions on Sky News, 26 April 2014.
Julia Llewellyn Smith has written a feature in today’s Sunday Telegraph covering the launch of CEP alongside stories of psychiatric harm.
The CEP survey of prescribed drug issues for the BMA review closes at the end of Monday, 28 April 2014. If you haven’t already completed this survey we would be very grateful for your input. At this stage we are looking for more responses to Part Two of the survey, which should take around 5 minutes […]
A national UK newspaper has been in touch with CEP looking for someone willing to talk about their experience of antidepressants. They are specifically looking for someone for whom the drug did not work and who was given it for depression. You need to be a UK resident, be prepared to use your real name and be […]
Due to the considerable response to our survey on prescribed drug issues we have decided to launch Part Two in order to provide improved summaries of the results to the BMA. Part One of this survey is ‘qualitative’ and your answers are provided using words and sentences. This enables CEP and the BMA to review […]
Dr James Davies is interviewed about the problems with modern psychiatry in the Royal College of Psychiatrist’s publication, The Psychiatric Bulletin. He is interviewed by Neil Armstrong, Honorary Fellow, Dept of Psychiatry, University of Oxford.
The Council for Evidence-based Psychiatry ( has been invited to contribute evidence to a project at the BMA (British Medical Association) which will review the issues associated with dependence upon prescribed drugs, including benzodiazepines, sleeping pills, pain relievers and antidepressants. If you or a family member has experienced negative effects with one or more of […]