The videos below represent the individual views of UK professionals who provide support and advice to individuals coming off benzodiazepines and/or antidepressants. If you are considering withdrawing from a psychiatric drug we encourage you to visit our Support page for additional resources.
Baylissa Frederick is a psychotherapist and author of the self-help book, Recovery and Renewal. Subsequent to her recovery from clonazepam withdrawal, she set up her own support project called Recovery Road and has helped thousands of people affected by benzodiazepine and antidepressant withdrawal since 2006.
Ian Singleton withdrew from a benzodiazepine in the 1980s and has spent his career since then working for the Bristol Tranquilliser Project, where he has helped thousands of people get through the withdrawal process.
Melanie has been the manager of MIND in Camden’s REST Project for 20 years. She facilitates a weekly support group, providing advice, information and support regarding safe withdrawal from benzodiazepines.