
Welcome to the website of CEP, the Council for Evidence-based Psychiatry.
CEP exists to communicate evidence of the potentially harmful effects of psychiatric drugs to the people and institutions in the UK that can make a difference. The scientific record clearly shows that psychiatric medications, portrayed as safe and effective by areas of the medical profession, often lead to worse outcomes for many patients, particularly when taken long term. Our members include psychiatrists, academics, withdrawal support charities and others who are concerned about the prevalence of the ‘medical model’ and the increasing numbers of prescriptions for psychiatric drugs being given to both adults and children.

We believe that current practices would change if policymakers and medical practitioners became aware of both the latest research and of the extent of this harm. Starting with various Unrecognised Facts, we seek to provide three layers of evidence: the opinion of doctors, practitioners, and academics; the stories of those who have suffered harm as a consequence of their treatment; and lastly summaries of the latest research, where it exists.
Furthermore CEP intends to identify gaps in existing research, with a view to supporting new research into under-reported areas of psychiatric harm, as well as alternatives to the medical model.  The mission of CEP is therefore: 

To reduce psychiatric harm by communicating the latest evidence to policymakers and practitioners, by sharing the testimony of those who have been harmed, and by supporting research into areas where evidence is lacking

Please note that CEP has never received any external funding or donations for any of its activities.  We sell no products or services, raise no revenue and employ no staff. CEP only incurs minor out-of-pocket costs.  These costs have been met through funds raised via a conference in 2015 and from small personal contributions by CEP members. All members offer their time, expertise and energy on an entirely voluntary basis. 

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